- The technical edit - remove images that are obviously faulty, like those out of focus shots. You can do this by placing them in a folder or tagging them. I chose to tag them with the number 1 using ViewNX software.
2. The selects
Make an initial selection from the remaining images that are technically ok that satisfy you creatively. I used the star rating system to do this
3. The first selects
Work within these selects to choose the several best. These will be called your first selects. The remaining images are referred to as seconds. I made some notes about what I liked about the remaining shots. I reviewed those that were given a 3* or higher rating.
4. Group and review
I took a break from editing for a few hours and then came back to it. I reviewed the ones I had selected as my first selects and then looked at those I had rejected. I was satisfied that I had made the correct choices.
5. A final choice
I began with 90 images and have now refined this down to 15. I chose the following 2 from my selects.
I chose this landscape overlooking the marsh from a footbridge because it shows all the elements of the marsh in one. The water, the fields, the birds and the man made elements of this environment.
I like the slight under-exposure in this shot. It gives an air of mystery to the shot and sweeps the viewer into the background with the sun is illuminating the distant fields.
I grew up in the country and believe that animals deserve to have as much space as possible to roam around in. By the canal and as part of the marsh area there are a number of horses kept on a small field owned by Thames Water. They always look dejected and there was little grass for them to eat. People always go down to feed them. I though this shot of the horse behind the bars of the fence showed a certain sorrow especially when looking into his eye.
I also thought that converting to black and white in processing would add more drama to the shot.
This is a good and thorough process for editing a shoot. It challenged me to be more decisive about my selects - something I wasn't before I started this part of the course. It is easy to remove the images that are technically faulty but when it comes to applying your own creative judgement on your work it is significantly more challenging.
My version of Lightroom hasn't arrived yet so once it does I might be able to do this more effectively than by using View NX.