I also chose the dust image as my images only have a little dust specks and the editing wouldn't be as noticeable.
This is the original image with the dust specks.
I started editing in Lightroom but then imported the picture into CS5 so I could use the clone stamp tool and make more precise removal of the dust specks. I must admit I found it hard to determine which was dust on the sensor and which specks weren't. This was made equally harder seeing as I was not the person who shot the image.
Corrected version
As you can see from the second image I removed a lot of dust specks and blemishes from the image. Using the spot healing brush is not as good as the clone stamp tool for the edges or where the spot is near to detail but it is very easy to use in free open space. It would probably be useful for general spots in a sky.
The clone stamp tool is a little harder to use as it is difficult to work in closely to the fine details of the edges of the objects using a mouse. Your mouse tends to jump too far or not go far enough which is frustrating. I think I made great use of the Edit Undo feature for this exercise.
Correcting the lens flare was a lot more difficult to do than remove the spots. I think if it was my image I may have been inclined to leave the flare in the shot as it adds to it and it is not regarded as so much a distraction these days.
Again the clone stamp tool was very difficult to use. I don't know if I'll ever get the hang of it. I suppose practice makes perfect.