For this assignment I had to further explore the techniques
covered in this section of the course and the ethical issues some of these
techniques present.
Throughout this part of the course I was presented with
situations I had previously avoided. As
a raw shooter I am aware of the need to optimise images. However, I personally
don’t see exposure adjustments or spot fixes for sensor dust or unwanted
objects in your image as manipulation. I
think on the contrary that they are necessary enhancements. Enhancements are something that I view as producing
images that do not deviate too far from reality.
I tend to see manipulation as the point where images cease
to look real. In many pictures we see in
magazines, images are created using composites which to me is an obvious
manipulation of a set of images. It is
clear that the final image is not the result of a single picture taken with a
camera. It is the result of another form of creative design where your final
image is made post production.
I had the option of creating a book or magazine cover for
this assignment. I chose to recreate the
front cover of Irvine Welsh’s book Ecstacy.
I adopted a fun and minimalistic approach to the image. I wanted the focus to be on ‘ecstasy’ with few
distractions or busy elements in the final image. I also wanted the image to be very bright
with colour playing an important role. In
a sense I wanted the image to have a slight psychedelic feeling to it. In relation to the book and its content I wanted
to try and create some of the fun associated with the characters and their drug
taking lifestyles.
The image
I used two images to create the cover. For the first image I shot a pink pill - a
Neurofen tablet. I felt that pink added
a fun colour to the theme I was attempting to create for the book cover. I then added the words ‘ecstasy’ to the pill
to give the impression that the word was actually printed on the tablet. I formatted the text to make it wrap around
the pill’s curved shape.
The pill also being round would be representative of the
world - the drug taking world in the book.
The second image I used was of a blue cloudy sky. I had to use the clone stamp tool to remove
the trees in the lower part of the image and I adjusted the exposure to make
the sky very contrasty.
In Photoshop I created a zoom burst for this image by
selecting a radial blur filter. This
gave the image a sense of movement with motion trails emanating from the
I then cut the pill out of the first image and pasted it
into the blurred sky so the movement now trails from the pill. The movement draws the viewer into the focus
point – the pink pill and in turn the title of the book.
The blue sky provides the image with a universe for the
‘drug globe’.
I think I achieved what I set out to, that is, to create a
‘fake’ image. However I felt that the creative process was one that was very
different to how I normally view an assignment or shoot. I found that more doors were open to me and I
could be less conservative in my work or approach.
My workflow was altered greatly in this assignment. Instead of working to get the best possible
image from your camera in relation to composition, the camera and pictures
served as elements which would make up your final image. This final image and the majority of work to
complete it was constructed in Photoshop.
In relation to ethics,
I have already touched on how I feel about image manipulation, but for this
assignment I had to manipulate my image.
I wanted to do this in a way that would not interfere with my ethics.
There is nothing natural or real about the production or
effects of drugs so from an ethical standpoint this image lives up to the themes
running through the book.
Tutor feedback
Overall the feedback I received on this assignment was positive. However, my tutor suggested that I need to take this image further perhaps by pushing the manipulation of the tablet to strengthen the allegory of it representing the world or by improving the typography superimposed on the pill.
He noted that the adjustments I made to the sky have worked well. However the text at the bottom is harder to read so maybe I should try to change the type font or the colour of the text. I think I like the font so I would opt for changing the colour to white and perhaps making it bolder or bigger or both.
Moving forward, I feel that I need to give this image some more thought and see how I can further improve it.