Friday, 9 December 2011

Software dilemmas

Having got to the stage where I felt Elements had its restrictions, I recently bought Photoshop CS5.  I felt that this would be all the software I would need not just for this course but for processing my images and organising them.  As with most aspects of photography I have been made to think again. 

If you need a tool for organising your photos so you can find them easily, edit your shoots and manage your digital workflow from beginning to end - Lightroom is the way to go. 

So after careful consideration I have decided to buy Lightroom which was a bit of a no brainer when you take the student discount into account. 

I have also been toying with the idea of purchasing some of Nik Software's plug ins.  I have downloaded a trial version of Silver Efex Pro and the results of my conversions to black and white were amazing.  The only issue I would have would that is it created a fair amount of digital noise.  However Nik have a solution for that too - Dfine.  In fact they have a solution for everything including Color Efex Pro with gives amazing results to your colour images.  So now I am thinking I would need the complete set.  Even with the student discount this is pricey enough so I think I might have to put that one away for awhile. 

There are so many software solutions on the market that it would drive you to distraction trying to decide which is best.  I have decided to settle for Lightroom and CS5.  Once I have mastered these then I can start looking at the others.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Digital Photographic Practice

This is the second module that I am studying with the OCA.  I am coming to the end of The Art of Photography and felt that it was time to take up another module. 

The reasons for this are varied.  Firstly,  I feel like I need to get more organised.  I need to pay more attention to my workflow, how I manage my images and how I store them.  I am familiar with basic processing of raw files using ACR and a few enhancement tools, converting images into black and white and straightforward corrections.  I tend to spend a lot of time going through my shots after a shoot.  I also tend to spend more time than I should trying to maintain my own personally created filing system.  I am the first to say it needs to be improved. 

Secondly, I feel that I have got to a stage in my photography where I am lacking the essential skillset to produce better quality images in processing.  Sure I know about the highlight clipping warning in ACR and I know how to correct exposure but do I know how to produce images for printing - no.  Do I know how to enhance colours etc - kind of.  I feel I have got to a stage where I seem to be asking more questions of my technical skills in relation to digital software.

Some months ago I decided to spend some time re-visiting exposure.  Yes we all know about how Aperture, Shutter speed and ISO is key to a good exposure, but I wanted to take control over these elements.  Shooting in Aperture and Shutter Speed has its limitations and I felt I was longing to take control of my camera instead of it controlling me. 

As part of this work I discovered working in Manual mode and I must admit with the exception of action shots or shots I need to get quickly I shoot exclusively in manual now.  And I feel liberated. 

I have learnt the importance of dynamic range and think of my camera as a partially sighted friend that needs my input to see what I see.

I have learnt to understand how the metering systems work on my camera and in which situations they provide the results I am looking for. 

I get the histogram. 

At last, it has all come together.  I know how to get the best out of my camera and create better pictures.

That is until I load them onto my PC. 

From this course I want to build on my knowledge and learn to process my images with confidence.