This is the second module that I am studying with the OCA. I am coming to the end of The Art of Photography and felt that it was time to take up another module.
The reasons for this are varied. Firstly, I feel like I need to get more organised. I need to pay more attention to my workflow, how I manage my images and how I store them. I am familiar with basic processing of raw files using ACR and a few enhancement tools, converting images into black and white and straightforward corrections. I tend to spend a lot of time going through my shots after a shoot. I also tend to spend more time than I should trying to maintain my own personally created filing system. I am the first to say it needs to be improved.
Secondly, I feel that I have got to a stage in my photography where I am lacking the essential skillset to produce better quality images in processing. Sure I know about the highlight clipping warning in ACR and I know how to correct exposure but do I know how to produce images for printing - no. Do I know how to enhance colours etc - kind of. I feel I have got to a stage where I seem to be asking more questions of my technical skills in relation to digital software.
Some months ago I decided to spend some time re-visiting exposure. Yes we all know about how Aperture, Shutter speed and ISO is key to a good exposure, but I wanted to take control over these elements. Shooting in Aperture and Shutter Speed has its limitations and I felt I was longing to take control of my camera instead of it controlling me.
As part of this work I discovered working in Manual mode and I must admit with the exception of action shots or shots I need to get quickly I shoot exclusively in manual now. And I feel liberated.
I have learnt the importance of dynamic range and think of my camera as a partially sighted friend that needs my input to see what I see.
I have learnt to understand how the metering systems work on my camera and in which situations they provide the results I am looking for.
I get the histogram.
At last, it has all come together. I know how to get the best out of my camera and create better pictures.
That is until I load them onto my PC.
From this course I want to build on my knowledge and learn to process my images with confidence.
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