Monday, 28 January 2013

Imaginery view: An exhibition by Dan Tobin Smith and Rachel Thomas

On a recent visit to Somerset House I stumbled upon this exhibition by photographer Dan Tobin Smith and designer Rachel Thomas.  It is a personal project for both artists and it appears that this is just thet start of Imaginery View and there is more to come in the future.

This is a very unusual exhibition in that it consists of a series of photographs of landscapes the artists crafted from polystyrene.  These polystyrene models are deceptively huge - you can get a sense of scale as some of the sculptures are displayed alongside the photographs.  This adds a different dimension to the exhibition - one of intrigue and illusion.

I like the milky white world they have created.  This has been achieved through Tobin Smith's use of light, smoke and that heat haze blur you see in distant landscapes on a hot day.

The polystyrene provides an interesting texture and it doesn't decompose which makes it interesting in relation to the subject.

I like the use of black and white in this work.  If colour had been used it would have spoiled the element of disguise.  When I first looked at the images I didn't for a minute think they were constructed out of polystyrene - I actually thought they were somehow real.

This exhibition shows what can be achieved through the medium of photography and a lot of creativity.  It has also given me some food for thought on the different uses of black and white and what can be achieved with the use of light and smoke in photography.

A number of the images can be seen here

They have a dedicated wesbite for the exhibition

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